What is the Wired For Addiction® Panel?
Wired For Addiction® offers a custom panel that dives into the biomarkers behind behavioral wellness. If you're looking for an at-home lab test to understand and improve your stress response, mood, impulsivity, and focus, this test is for you.
If any of the above apply to you, Wired For Addiction® is here to help.
The custom Wired For Addiction® panel measures 85 biomarkers that reveal the root biological pieces behind behavioral challenges like mood instability, lack of focus, cravings, and emotional dysregulation—factors that can drive self-medication and substance misuse.
Rather than focusing on symptoms or substance use itself, we identify the underlying biological imbalances that need attention and design a precision-based plan to address them—without relying on guess-and-check pharmaceuticals.
Test Your Genes.
Modify Their Expression.
Change Your Life.