Wired For Addiction™ is an international DNA company that looks at genetic variants linked to addiction and mood disorders. Utilizing their patent-pending custom genetic panel, they identify, isolate, and measure 85 biomarkers highly correlated to substance use disorders and mental health conditions.
Through Wired For Addiction’s remote sample collection process, patients are able to provide their specimen from the comfort of their home or treatment facility, thereby eliminating geographical and logistical barriers to care. Once the samples have been sent to the Wired For Addiction™ lab(s) via the prepaid postage contained in the kits, their DNA, neurotransmitters, and hormones are analyzed, interpreted, and configured into their unique Biomarker Evaluation Report. This report itemizes the results of their specimen, the clinical correlation associated with the findings, and the prescribed treatment protocol, if so desired.
In 2020, Wired For Addiction™ was contacted by a man in Washington state seeking care for his wife suffering from multiple primary mental health conditions. As a 38-year-old mother of 2, she had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, was hospitalized multiple times due to mental illness, and suffered from postpartum depression. With the diagnoses, she was prescribed Hydroxyzine, Depakote, Lithium, Olanzapine, Zyrtec, Prilosec, and Flonase. In the words of the patient, she continued to experience, “extreme and utter unhappiness; despair; feeling empty and alone,” despite her prescribed medications and therapy. Prior to her marriage, she suffered from childhood sexual abuse, verbal abuse, and physical abuse; as an adult, she experienced irritability, mood swings, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, and impulsivity.
Wired For Addiction™ shipped the patient their patent-pending custom genetic test kit to the patient’s home where she collected her samples according to the instructions included in the kit. The test kit was sent back to the lab utilizing the prepaid shipping label in the kit and the results were analyzed and interpreted by the assigned Wired For Addition™ clinician who went on to create the patient’s Biomarker Evaluation Report and treatment protocol.
The assigned Wired For Addiction™ clinician, the patient’s husband, and the patient shared a virtual telehealth appointment to discuss the genetic findings, their correlation to her symptomatic expression, and her newly prescribed treatment protocol. The patient agreed to the treatment plan, the prescriptions were sent electronically to be filled, and her care commenced.
After following the prescribed treatment protocol for 6 months and maintaining bi-weekly telehealth visits to ensure adherence to the protocol, the patent underwent a retest to evaluate the efficacy of her genetic-guided biochemical pathway support. As expected, the patient not only experienced improved mood, focus, sleep, and emotional regulation – her objective biomarkers supported those symptomatic improvements.
At the time of initial sample collection and prior to starting the prescribed Wired For Addiction™ treatment protocol, the custom genetic panel revealed that the patient’s serotonin, dopamine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, glycine, phenylethylamine, progesterone, and cortisol were significantly out of reference range. Additionally, 25 of 69 genetic single nucleotide polymorphisms were discovered by utilizing Wired For Addiction’s custom genetic panel. Lastly, pharmacogenomic testing revealed that the previously Olanzapine was incompatible with the patient’s DNA.
After following 6 months of her prescribed treatment protocol, the patient retested utilizing the same custom genetic panel. As expected, the aforementioned neurotransmitters were all stabilized and brought into reference range in addition to supporting the biochemical pathways of all 25 genetic single nucleotide polymorphisms. The patient was able to titrate off of her previously and incorrectly prescribed medications while under the care of her assigned Wired For Addiction™ clinician.
The current empirical model for diagnosing and prescribing individuals suffering from a mental health condition or substance use disorder lacks continuity and compromises care. The previously prescribed Hydroxyzine, Depakote, Lithium, Olanzapine, Zyrtec, Prilosec, and Flonase were done without the use of objective individualized testing to inform care. The reliance on vocabulary to describe symptoms and empirical methodology of prescription selection can lead to adverse side effects and unintended consequences because the means of diagnosing and prescribing are not done through biochemical pathway testing unique to the individual.
Wired For Addictions’ patent-pending genetic panel identifies, isolates, and measures specific biomarkers requiring optimization for mental health. By determining the precise biochemical pathway(s) requiring support and the level to which support is required is what yields measurable and experiential improvement.